More than just sanitary pads: Medtronic and Safepad™ South Africa help Foster Resilience and Support for Schoolgirls
Medtronic South Africa, a medical technology company, recently partnered with Safepad South Africa, an organisation dedicated to providing sustainable menstrual hygiene solutions. Together they provided over 450 learners from four schools in KwaZulu Natal, Limpopo, and the Western Cape, with donations of Safepads – a high-quality, reusable, antimicrobial menstrual pad that lasts up to five years.
The collaboration between Medtronic, Safepad South Africa and the beneficiary schools, was aimed at addressing a range of issues affecting menstruating schoolgirls, including the lack of information to manage periods and the challenges girls face within the school environment.
The outreach created a safe space for the girls to talk about menstruation, emphasising support and resilience through tough times. Each girl received a booklet containing useful information about menstruation, helping to educate and empower them to manage their periods confidently.
Apart from this, by donating the Safepads to the learners, the collaboration partners have aided in alleviating the families’ financial burden of purchasing pads over the next five years. Many families struggle to allocate household income for menstrual hygiene products, and this initiative provided significant relief, thereby supporting girls’ education and well-being.
The students were particularly impressed by the long-term financial savings of using reusable pads instead of disposable ones. A teacher at Lavender Hill High School in the Western Cape expressed her appreciation, noting how eager the girls were to use the pads and how beneficial initiatives like these are for their community.
“We were thrilled to have partnered with Medtronic to bring the Safepad to girls who needed it the most,” said Sarah Jacobs, Founder of Safepad South Africa. “This initiative has improved menstrual hygiene and increased sensitivity to the needs of menstruating girls at these schools.”
These initiatives demonstrate the profound impact of thoughtful, community-focused partnerships in addressing the everyday barriers many South African learners must overcome.
Those looking to donate Safepads to a school in their community can contact Sarah Jacobs on Instagram using the handle @safepadsouthafrica or send her an email: